Monday, November 25, 12:30pm – 2:00pm, Zeis 123 and via Zoom
Click 🎦 to view presentation recording
- 12:30pm – Use of CRISPR Interference to Create Essential Gene Knockdowns in Staphylococcus aureus, Jacob Fender, Dr. Melinda Grosser 🎦
- 12:50pm – Elucidating determinants at the G𝜶13 N-terminus for binding to the 𝜷𝜸 dimer, Forbes Fowler 🎦
- 1:10pm – Further Exploration of Potential Cryptic Species in the deadly Amanita bisporigera complex in western North Carolina, Daphne Homen 🎦
- 1:30pm – Break
- 1:40pm – Impact of Controlled Burns on Soil Arthropod Biodiversity, Abagail Levinson, Dr. Jonathan Horton, Dr. Rebecca Hale 🎦